• OCTOBER 14-20, $1 TAN WEEK, Already Got Tans? You are Upgrading For $1, $1 SESSION PACKAGES with purchase of one at regular price, $1 SUNLESS SESSION with purchase of two at regular price, $1 for $50 in UPGRADES with purchase of $50 in Upgrades, 30% OFF LOTION BOTTLES, Buy A Bottle of Lotion TAN FREE For a Month.

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Have Questions?

At SBTC Fort Myers East, we love hearing from our customers. If you have something on your mind, let us know!

Prior to submitting an online comment form, please check our list of Frequently Asked Questions. We have extensive questions and answers on a variety of topics including Tanning, Lotion, and Membership Policies and Procedures.

For all other comments and concerns, please complete the form below and a member of our management team will contact you within 24 hours.

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